This is a web interface to nslinkadmin, a linux tool for devicemasters similar to PortVision for windows. The php file has to exist in a web server directory where php can be executed or interpreted. It must have write permissions to the nslinkadmin binary, and [TOTAL SECURITY HOLE!!!!!] the nslinkadmin binary must be SETUID root since the functions it uses can only be used by root. But after setup he can do much of what portvision can do, but all from a web interface from any OS that has a modern web browser. - Displays a list of all detected devices - Works with RPSH, SI, IA - Reset (reboot) devices - Change network information - Upload firmware - Filter the list of devices by name, ip, mac, ready status. INSTALL -------- - Put webportvision.php and images/ into a directory your webserver serves and make sure it can interpret PHP code. - Compile and install nslinkadmin as root su - make make install - Make nslinkadmin SUID root. :( chmod u+s /usr/sbin/nslinkadmin Jason Jorgensen 2-28-2005