STARTPATH="/usr/local/games/quake3" BINARY="q3ded" PROCESSNAME="q3ded" PORT="27970" PORTS="27970" COMMONARGS="+set dedicated 2 +set sv_pure 1 +bot_enable 0 +set sv_maxRate 10000 +set fs_basepath /usr/local/games/quake3" ARGS="+exec ra3.cfg +set net_port 27970 +set com_hunkmegs 50 +set fs_game arena" QSTAT="q3s" ####################################################################################### # STARTPATH = path the BINARY should be executed from # BINARY = executable that should be run to start the game # PROCESSNAME = the name the game shows up as when doing a netstat -lep # PORTS = the ports this game should be allowed to use # COMMONARGS = arguments that may be common to other games of this type (optional) # ARGS = arguments that may be specific to this instance of the game (optional) #######################################################################################